Article: Forced Contact With Amazon People Would Be ‘Genocide’

Tag : civilization

Article: Forced Contact With Amazon People Would Be ‘Genocide’

How arrogant are the people of our culture – what’s so difficult about leaving them alone if they don’t want any contact? Can’t they speak for themselves and know what’s

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Article: Alienation is Killing Americans and Japanese

The price you have to pay to be a “highly developed” techno-industrial civilization. Where is this all leading? Japan and the US are role models in terms of capitalism and

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Quote: The Savage Life

“No European who has tasted Savage Life can afterwards bear to live in our societies.” – Benjamin Franklin

Article: FEMA Contractor Predicts ‘Social Unrest’ Caused By 395% Food Price Spikes

For those of you who STILL believe that society is NOT going to collapse soon. Time for action. “The US national security industry is planning for the impact of an

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Article: Give Up Technology & Go Back to ‘Hunting & Gathering’

You know primitivism succeeds when even the Business Insider starts writing about it.

Article: The ‘Family of 5’ Primary Forests – A Snapshot of What Remains

The pace of deforestation has accelerated so rapidly over the past 200 years that today our planet harbors only one-quarter of its original old-growth forest—i.e., forest that has never been

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Article: UN-Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way to Feed the World

What has to happen until everyone finally believes it?! Permaculture is the future, and civilization is not! Civilization cannot be maintained through permaculture instead of agriculture.

Essay: Finding Strength in Stones

“So perhaps the best thing we can do is run. Run into the woods, into the jungles, into the deserts, into the mountains, and the seas. Abandon our cities and

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Article: How NASA Thinks Society Will Collapse

Apparently, NASA also realized that this megalomaniac madness we call civilization can’t exist much longer. Still, I do not understand how they can’t see the obvious – it is civilization

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A comment on Elon Musk’s future phantasy (+Video)

I thought no one believes megalomaniac Elon Musk anyway, but it turns out that he really reaches people with his crazy babble. After I saw a friend writing about this

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