Article: Uncontacted Yanomami found

Archives : January, 2017

Article: Uncontacted Yanomami found

Article: Uncontacted Yanomami found It turns out that some one hundred members of one of my favorite South-American tribes, the Yanomami, have so far been spared from devastating contact with the civilized world.

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Article: The sugar industry lied

Article: The sugar industry lied Sugar is the number one ingredient we should exclude from our diet and the main cause of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. What happens when capitalism meets science

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Article: The simple life is necessary

Article: The simple life is necessary The simple life is indeed not only a good choice but a necessity, however for reasons that are beyond the authors ability to comprehend and rooted much more deeply

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Article: Tennessee wildfires

Article: Tennessee wildfires

As the world burns… Civilized humans play, quite literally, with fire. Through global warming we trigger certain processes that get out of hand very easily, creating an autonomous dwindling spiral

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Article: Bone scans suggest early hominids spent significant time in trees

Article: Bone scans suggest early hominids spent significant time in trees

Climbing trees is woven deeply into our genes and is one of the most natural things to do for humans; it has the power to awaken some kind of archaic

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