Article: Talk about climate change and you have to talk about agriculture
Yet another story found out that yet another factor was underestimated by climate scientists: soil carbon loss due to agriculture. An estimated 133 billion (!!!) tons of carbon got from
Article: How to Decolonize the Permaculture Movement
Some good and important (and one misleading) point about permaculture as a movement. The author criticizes that permaculture is sometimes misused as a business (for those $2,000 permaculture courses) and
Article: The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race
This article is an exceptionally good example of a short summary of the main arguments against civilization and progress and for primitivism and tribalism.
A response to a “viral” video about aero/hydroponics
The Facebook page “NowThis” posted this video: This is our response: “Completely controlled environment”… ‘Civilized’ humans and their insatiable need to control and dominate Nature. Growing plants like this
Article: Healthy soil is the real key to feeding the world
One of the most important articles I’ve read in a long time. The author, David R. Montgomery (Professor of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington) will soon publish his
Article: We can’t vertically farm our way into a techno-utopia
We view hydro/aeroponics and vertical farms very skeptically. It is the most unnatural way to grow food, and it is probably the highest form of domestication of plants, depriving them
Article: Climate Change and its Effects on Asia and Australia
This article addresses the exact same problems we face here in southern Thailand. Last year’s dry season was the hottest year in 65 years in Thailand (and the hottest year
Article: Breeding the Nutrition out of Our Food
Eating healthy food is among the most important things. This article undermines the value of wild food plants, as well as pointing out what damage we inflicted on ourselves with
Book: My Ishmael (Daniel Quinn)
Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael
Book: The Story of B (Daniel Quinn)
Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael