Essay: On the personhood of plants

Tag : biology

Essay: On the personhood of plants

Estimated reading time: 30 min. On the personhood of plants …and our relationship with them David B Lauterwasser “Here I stand in awe, deeply moved by the sheer beauty you

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Article: Plants Know They Are Being Eaten

The Business Insider(?) writes about a topic which concerns us a lot: seeing plants as beings, equal but different to ourselves. Again, science found out what primitive animists have known

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Article: Survival of the Friendliest

Most people tend to think that evolution is characterized by “survival of the fittest”, which they mistakenly interpret as meaning “survival of the strongest”. What survival of the fittest means,

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Article: What does it mean to be a human?

The Neanderthals were quite fascinating, and, as the article shows, still have influence on us today – via our genetics. People with European descent have between one and four per

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Book: My Ishmael (Daniel Quinn)

Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael

Book: The Story of B (Daniel Quinn)

  Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael

Book: Ishmael (Daniel Quinn)

  Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael

Article: Destroying Nature Unleashes Infectious Diseases

Lately I hear a lot of people claiming that “primitive” people were endlessly suffering from disease and died at young age. Well, here’s some news from the immunology section. When

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Article: Animal Intelligence Has Been Widely Underestimated, Says Primatologist Frans De Waal

The Washington Post spreading primitivist ideas: We are not as special as we think we are. Human arrogance led us to believe we are hovering far above nature, which we

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Article: Dragonflies

In the words of B: “You’ll learn that each dragonfly—such an inconsiderable creature!—is a work of so much delicacy, perfection, and complexity that it makes a digital computer look like

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