Article: Plastic fibres found in tap water around the world
Microplastic is one of the most underestimated risks of present-day life and the near future. It is found even in the remotest corners of the world, and is known to
Article: Why We Climb
The long read: The article below is the introduction to the eponymous book “Why We Climb”, which is already on our to-read list. The author, climber Chris Noble, attempts to
Article: The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race
This article is an exceptionally good example of a short summary of the main arguments against civilization and progress and for primitivism and tribalism.
Article: Lessons of the Hermit
People need wilderness to stay sane. Some people have enough and just go and live there. This is an interesting story about a man who lived in the forest for
Article: Healthiest hearts in the world found
Scientists now found the healthiest hearts in the world – of course among a primitive tribe. The Tsimane people of Bolivia are horticulturalists and hunters, who have a relatively high
Article: Neanderthal dental tartar reveals plant-based diet – and drugs
In contrast to popular opinion, neanderthals were not the stupid, club-swinging brutes we are told they were, but they had a sophisticated culture, were among the first humans of whom
Article: Screen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on Children
The level of exposure to technology increases dramatically among all generations, but it is most terrifying when it comes to our youngest ones. “In its 2013 policy statement on “Children,
Quote: Food is Medicine
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Hippocrates
Article: Breeding the Nutrition out of Our Food
Eating healthy food is among the most important things. This article undermines the value of wild food plants, as well as pointing out what damage we inflicted on ourselves with
Book: My Ishmael (Daniel Quinn)
Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael