The Red on Yellow – Chiquita’s Banana Colonialism in Latin America

Tag : history

The Red on Yellow – Chiquita’s Banana Colonialism in Latin America

Lessons in Banana History The Red on Yellow – Chiquita’s Banana Colonialism in Latin America   Big companies lie. Try finding a multinational company that doesn’t have blood on its

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Article: The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race

This article is an exceptionally good example of a short summary of the main arguments against civilization and progress and for primitivism and tribalism.

Infographic: A Truish and Actual History of the World

A great and informative little graphic visualizing the history of modern humans (not the whole world) and the series of ever more complex and profound errors and mistakes we call

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Article: How the Village Feast Helped Building Civilization (+Audio)

Village feasts did a lot to transform early sedentary farming communities from egalitarian bands to a complex, hierarchically structured society, and therefore play an important role in how our global

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