Article: How the Social Justice Movement Fuels Corporate Capitalism
This excellent article shows the influence of corporations on the social justice movement, which has been less concerned with class than with race, gender or sexual orientation lately – even
Article: The lie of the land
Paul Kingsnorth is at it again: He explains why he, as an environmentalist, voted yes for leaving the EU, and presents excellent arguments to show the hypocrisy of environmentalists being
Book: My Ishmael (Daniel Quinn)
Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael
Book: The Story of B (Daniel Quinn)
Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael
Book: Ishmael (Daniel Quinn)
Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael
Article: The Data That Turned the World Upside Down
The long read: Welcome to Dystopia “Anyone who has not spent the last five years living on another planet will be familiar with the term Big Data. Big Data means,
Video: Satish Kumar – A New Story for Humanity (Interview)
Amazing opinion, great message. Whoever likes this video should read any book of Daniel Quinn, it goes in the same direction. The best way for people to live is the
Trailer: Zero Days (Documentary)
Zero Days is a documentary about the so-called STUXnet virus, a kind of sophisticated malware fabricated by the US and Israeli government to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program. The STUXnet
Article: Neoliberalism Creates Loneliness
My recommendation for today is this article about the causes and effects of loneliness. Spoiler: modern digital-industrial society is to blame (who else?!). And the cure? Tribalism. Living in small