Article: Another Major Source of Greenhouse Gases
Like Hayduke from Edward Abbey’s famous novel ‘The Monkey Wrench Gang’ we are for the destruction of every single dam – we are for setting the rivers free. Look at it from an animist perspective: Imagine you are the river. What would you like better? A dam in your middle, that keeps the fish from swimming upstream to spawn and floods large areas of riverside land? Or flowing freely without disruption, full of life with water rich in oxygen?
Now scientists discovered another major source of greenhouse gases: dams.
They contribute approximately the same to climate change as rice paddies, with the big difference that we knew about the rice paddies role before.
“Reservoirs are a classic instance of how major human alteration’s to the Earth’s landscape can have unexpected effects. Flooding large areas of Earth can set off new chemical processes as tiny microorganisms break down organic matter in the water, sometimes doing so in the absence of oxygen — a process that leads to methane as a byproduct.”
This all leaves us to ask: How many more factors are contributing to climate change without us even knowing about it yet?
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