Quote: The Machine
The machine appeared In the distance, singing to itself Of money. Its song was the web They were caught in, men and women Together. The villages were as flies To
Article: Screen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on Children
The level of exposure to technology increases dramatically among all generations, but it is most terrifying when it comes to our youngest ones. “In its 2013 policy statement on “Children,
Article: The Life Outside of Cyberia
The Guardian published yet another article by Mark Boyle, who decided to live a life without technology. Slowly, the simple life and the notion that technology is not only beneficial,
Article: How 2016 Became Earth’s Hottest Year on Record
“Of the 17 hottest years ever recorded, 16 have now occurred since 2000.” A very interesting, short piece on the hottest year in recorded history, 2016, with detailed graphs showing
Article: Climate Change and its Effects on Asia and Australia
This article addresses the exact same problems we face here in southern Thailand. Last year’s dry season was the hottest year in 65 years in Thailand (and the hottest year
Quote: Food is Medicine
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Hippocrates
Article: Breeding the Nutrition out of Our Food
Eating healthy food is among the most important things. This article undermines the value of wild food plants, as well as pointing out what damage we inflicted on ourselves with
Book: My Ishmael (Daniel Quinn)
Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael
Book: The Story of B (Daniel Quinn)
Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael
Book: Ishmael (Daniel Quinn)
Part of the Ismael trilogy Vol. 1 – Ishmael Vol. 2 – The Story of B Vol. 3 – My Ismael