Article: The Life Outside of Cyberia

Article: The Life Outside of Cyberia

Article: The Life Outside of Cyberia

Article: The Life Outside of Cyberia

The Guardian published yet another article by Mark Boyle, who decided to live a life without technology.
Slowly, the simple life and the notion that technology is not only beneficial, but in fact very destructive, makes its way into the mainstream.

“People defend that on which they depend. This has been the way since time immemorial. So while the “uncivilised savages” of indigenous and tribal lands defend mundane, unimportant things like the animal herds, rivers and forests that their lives depend on – often with their bodies – e-Homo sapiens defends a progressive way of life – with its factories, supermarkets, cheap flights and online shopping – forgetting what this Mumfordian megamachine depends on. It’s a tendency within us that’s as problematic as it is understandable.”

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