Article: Neanderthal dental tartar reveals plant-based diet – and drugs

Article: Neanderthal dental tartar reveals plant-based diet – and drugs

Article: Neanderthal dental tartar reveals plant-based diet – and drugs

Article: Neanderthal dental tartar reveals plant-based diet – and drugs

In contrast to popular opinion, neanderthals were not the stupid, club-swinging brutes we are told they were, but they had a sophisticated culture, were among the first humans of whom we have evidence for producing cave art, and, as recent findings show, neanderthals knew about medicinal plants and applied them accordingly.
Furthermore, they ate a plant-based diet that included a big variety of plants and fungi, not a meat-based one.

The signs of cannibalism found in some of the individuals don’t have to be interpreted as a brutal tradition of eating their “enemies”, but can simply be seen as a harmless form of endocannibalism.

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