Article: The Movement to Dismantle Civilization

Article: The Movement to Dismantle Civilization

Article: The Movement to Dismantle Civilization

Article: The Movement to Dismantle Civilization

Good argumentation for our case: permaculture and several anti-civilization movements (such as Deep Green Resistance) have a lot more in common than everyone thinks. The main premises and motivations point in the same direction, which is the opposite direction in which our society is moving right now.

Civilization and permaculture are not compatible and cannot coexist.

Permaculture cares for the Earth, sees Nature as a partner and wants to preserve this wonderful planet for future generations. Whereas civilization is the enemy of all life forms and sees in them merely resources, products and therefore profit. Nature is perceived as a foe, to be conquered and subjugated to fit our insatiable “needs”. Only the needs of the (rich) people of the present matter, and no thought is spend on sustainability and future generations.

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