Article: An Isolated Tribe Emerges from the Rain Forest

Article: An Isolated Tribe Emerges from the Rain Forest

Article: An Isolated Tribe Emerges from the Rain Forest

Article: An Isolated Tribe Emerges from the Rain Forest

The long read

I read this story three times already because I find it so fascinating. It gives you insights in the brutal history of Brazil, as well as details about primitive culture. The tribes described are the Yine and their brothers the Mashco – the Yine helped rubber baron Carlos Fitzcarrald while the Mashco fled from him (similar to the story of the Haorani and the Tagaeri).

Another important aspect of the article is that it dispels the myth of the ‘noble savage‘ that we primitivists are so often (falsely) accused of including into our opinion. Primitives are just people as we are – although with a radically different culture – and are therefore of course subject to greed and other so-called human ‘flaws‘.

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