Article: Will the Earth Ever Fill Up?

Article: Will the Earth Ever Fill Up?

Article: Will the Earth Ever Fill Up?

Article: Will the Earth Ever Fill Up?

Nautilus Magazine is known for promoting the “Myth of Progress” and is a common playground for futurist/humanist/anthropocentric thinkers.
The topic of the conversation here is important though, and it is worth the read. What we always have to keep in mind here is (and the author clearly didn’t think about this) is the fact that we’re not alone on this planet. The more humans there are, the less space remains for other living creatures – on which our very lives depend on.

As human population continues to grow, other species die off at unprecedented rates. Life quality decreases continually for most of humanity, while an ever smaller number of humans benefit.

The author’s conclusion (“We’ll need to cooperate”) must be broadened in its application to include all living beings, otherwise our civilization collapses in on itself well before even the most pessimistic forecasts predict.

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