Article: How 2016 Became Earth’s Hottest Year on Record

Tag : climate change

Article: How 2016 Became Earth’s Hottest Year on Record

“Of the 17 hottest years ever recorded, 16 have now occurred since 2000.” A very interesting, short piece on the hottest year in recorded history, 2016, with detailed graphs showing

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Article: Climate Change and its Effects on Asia and Australia

This article addresses the exact same problems we face here in southern Thailand. Last year’s dry season was the hottest year in 65 years in Thailand (and the hottest year

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Article: FEMA Contractor Predicts ‘Social Unrest’ Caused By 395% Food Price Spikes

For those of you who STILL believe that society is NOT going to collapse soon. Time for action. “The US national security industry is planning for the impact of an

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Article: As Clouds Head for the Poles, Time to Prepare for Food and Water Shocks

What do you do to prepare?

Article: In 20 Years We Wiped Out 10% of Earth’s Wilderness

“You’re captives of a civilization system that more or less compels you to go on destroying the world in order to live” -Ishmael

Article: Burning Forests is Haram

“It is very clear in the Quran that man shall not damage the earth… including by way of burning the forest.”

Article: Cooling the Planet – with Permaculture?

It seems like what we do here on the farm is not only very important, but also desperately needed in order to avoid the worst effects of climate change. I

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Article: Clean Energy Won’t Save Us

This excellent piece of journalism here sums up the mess we’re in, the one we don’t seem to know how to get out of. I’m not just some crazy mislead

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Article: Another Major Source of Greenhouse Gases

Like Hayduke from Edward Abbey’s famous novel ‘The Monkey Wrench Gang’ we are for the destruction of every single dam – we are for setting the rivers free. Look at

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Article: Tennessee wildfires

As the world burns… Civilized humans play, quite literally, with fire. Through global warming we trigger certain processes that get out of hand very easily, creating an autonomous dwindling spiral

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