Article: The Costs of Civilization

Tag : prehistory

Article: The Costs of Civilization

PsychologyToday dispels the common myths about primitive people and bashes civilization!! Open your eyes and see that there is another way apart from our insane destructive society. “Did you know,

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Article: The Great Forgetting

Good summary of what Quinn called “The Great Forgetting”. There IS an alternative, a different, SUSTAINABLE lifestyle that works for humans, as well as all other animals. It’s just now

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Article: Were We Happier in the Stone Age?

Another interesting piece, even though the term “stone age” is misleading and biased. One remark: The author fails to see that epidemic disease is also an invention of civilization and

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Article: Before Agriculture, Human Jaws Were a Perfect Fit for Human Teeth

For those who wonder why modern humans are so weak, degenerated and dependent on medicine and doctors, here’s yet another example of how the shift to agriculture basically fucked everything

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Article: The Caveman’s Home Was Not a Cave

The prejudice of early anthropologists, archaeologists and ethnologists still defines public opinion. It is time to teach our kids the truth about primitive life.

Article: The Deep, Mystical Sleep of our Ancestors

It seems like any primitive person is much more advanced in terms of mindfulness than modern man and has the possibility to gain deep spiritual inside every single night –

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Article: Humans Ate Meat 3.4 mio Years Ago

For all our vegan friends: no offense intended! New evidence from Ethiopia shows that we humans butchered meat as early as 3.4 million years ago – longer than we humans

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Article: Humans lived in North America 10,000 years earlier than thought

Archaeological findings date the first human settlements in North America back to about 24,000 years ago. Cut marks were found on the jaw bone of a Yukon horse in a

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Article: Foraging Was Healthier Than Agriculture

That foragers were and are in way better health than ‘civilized’ people is no surprise anymore by now. If even Forbes Magazine admits it, it finally has to be common

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Article: Bone scans suggest early hominids spent significant time in trees

Climbing trees is woven deeply into our genes and is one of the most natural things to do for humans; it has the power to awaken some kind of archaic

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